random thoughts, random complaints, random activities.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

"Bah! Humbug!"?

"Bah! Humbug!"?

Not me!

 Our home is not feeling very Christmas like. My grandma has admitted that it is because my grandpa is scheduled to have thoracic surgery on December 21 and be in the Hospital for a week. Many family members and friends have died around Christmas including her father and step father and that makes it so much worse for her.

I deal with things with denial. It has always worked great for me. So what I would like to do is get all into Christmas, decorate like crazy and enjoy this wonderful time of year. 

Today I made one of those red and green paper chains and strung it in front of a window. Then later my Grandma made the mistake of telling me all her Christmas decor is in the extra bedroom and not out in the shed like I thought. It took me 3 minutes to find the beautiful Nativity set she has. I quickly put it on top of a book shelf where little hands can not reach. Sadly Joesph had lost his foot and he is in the hospital right now. 

When I was asking where there was glue for Joesph she told me if I am getting stuff out she is throwing it out the door. That is really what she does with stuff. I really do not think she would throw baby Jesus out. She really does love to throw things away. 

All of my Christmas decor is in storage and I am not digging through that to get it out right now. So hopefully we will be able to move before Christmas and I can do my own decorating.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Happy 17th Birthday Kitty

I got this pretty kitty for Christmas 17 years ago. She has used her 9 lives a few times over. I think she is losing/lost her hearing and sight but seams to be doing well for a 17 year old cat. Not sure she will make it through the winter but who knows...

Did you notice I just called her/him kitty?
This cat has had many names... sizzel, kitty, top cat are the ones that come to mind. He/She? no one remembers if she is a boy or girl since she got fixed but I have noticed her spraying like a boy outside. We just refer to her as a she. The last few years she has been known as kitty or top.

Her nine lives... She was ran over by a car and had a cast over her hips for a while. You can still feel a weird spot on the bone. She also had some big apses on her chest that had to be drained and stitched it was gross. She has came in beat up from many fights. Sometimes gone for days and return like nothing had happened especially when my brother was visiting. I am not sure what her problem is with him.

She has always been a loner or just independent. She is a light weight, I am not sure how much she weighs but probably around 5lbs. A few years ago late summer and fall of 2009 she would be gone for a week back for a day or day for 2 for months. One day I saw her in the neighbors yard. They had gone to Europe for a few months and had a young girl house sitting. This cat had taken to her and was staying with her. After the family came back and the girl left the cat came home. I had already replaced her with my pumpkin Buddy though but they get along ok and she stayed with my grand parents when we moved and Buddy came with us. 
All of these pictures are from the lasts 5 years 

(she really likes Ty)

Not happy that I was packing

Is it Winter yet?

Who is ready for winter? :)

My blog is.

I am great about keeping up with the seasons on the design of my blog :)

I am so ready for cold weather and snow! Ok maybe I am really not... my dog is alone outside since her big warm companion had to be put down last spring so I have to figure out what to do with her. (but maybe she got rabies from that opossum she had her mouth running around at midnight then I wont have to worry about her)

Then there is Ty's commute, winter driving to Everett sucks (but there is a big chance he will be cutting his commute in half by getting a transfer to Renton very soon)!!!

And the baby coming anytime in the next 6 weeks maybe later...

Oh but I love snow and cold weather so much :) Ok I am excited for winter and Christmas time!

Sunday, November 18, 2012


It has been to long since I posted on here.

Some updates
Allyson had a check up last week and finally weighs more than 20lbs. 20lbs 7oz that is.

At 31 weeks the little boy moves like crazy at night. I have gained 19lbs. I am sure the next 9 or less weeks will go by faster than I want. My doctor said to expect a 36 week ultrasound to see how big he his.

My grandpa's tumer shrank in half and the doctors are planning on doing surgery next month. Things aee looking good for now. The first 2 chemo treatments did not make him very sick but he has been very sick with the last 2.

I hate the idea of renting but we need a place sooner than we can close on a house. So... we are looking for a house to rent. It is not much fun.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The diaper rash is back

It is terrible... poor baby is miserable. I have tried rash creams, anti fungal creams, prescription from the doctor, no diaper. We are trying an oatmeal bath in the morning. Now is it the soy or the apple juice causing the frequent diarrhea. I have been changing her 10 times a day... I am so tired of doctor run arounds I just want her to feel better. Anyway... 

Saturday, September 1, 2012

19 weeks

How far along: 19 weeks as of August 26

Weight gain/loss: 5 pounds total

Maternity clothes: got out my favorite under belly jeans

Stretch marks: blah  

Sleep: I am so tired and sleeping a lot

Best moment: found out we are having a boy

Movement: a little bit

Food Craving: I just love food in general

Gender predictions: It’s a boy

What I Miss: Ty was asked to go on the new zip line at North West Trek but he isn’t going because I can not. 
The doctor said the baby should be just fine if we go to the Tim Mcgraw concert just not a Ricky Martin concert (he had a bad experience) I wouldn’t be interest in that anyway.

How I am feeling: I feel fine :)

Monday, August 27, 2012

Some random thoughts

Some thoughts I wrote last week with updates from today

8/23We know what our little boy's name is but what about sharing it before he is born. I worry about someone stealing it. Although it is his name so it wouldn't matter we would still use it. I also do not want to hear opinions about the name. 8/27Ty told his mom the name we are thinking about so I guess I will tell more family.

8/23Who would have thought that after waiting so long for Allyson to finally start sleeping though the night I would be awake at 1am wishing I was cuddling with her. I guess its part of having a husband that works nights. Sooner than later we will have another little one that will be keeping me up all night. :)

8/23Can you prepare for loss? My grandpa has been sick for many years and has had multiple heart attacks. He has now been diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer (his fault for smoking so much) Some many questions that still need answered to know his true prognoses. Lots of 30% chances and a max of 5 years. I just taking it day by day because the doctors only give us information little by little. He has surgery in the morning to find out if it is also in his left lung. 8/27The cancer in the right lung has doubled in size in the last month. He starts chemo next week. They have given him about a year to live.

8/24The house buying... we didnt qualify for the loan we applied for by 6 points. So disheartening. So many things to figure out. The biggest is where we are going next, our lease is up at the end of September and there is no way we are staying in this apartment or any apartment again. So do we find a house and waste more money paying rent. Plus that would most likely get us into another lease which would make it longer before we could buy because we would be in that contract. 8/27Ty is going to work on transferring so what ever happens with that this week will help us decide what we are doing in the next few months.

Monday, August 20, 2012

100th post

To announce... We are having a boy!!!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

a house???

To buy or not to buy

Oh the joys of trying to get a home loan. Lots of nervous waiting. We know what we can afford, but is a bank willing to lend to us? We should hear from the lender that my cousin who will be our agent recommended tomorrow and know if we are pre-qualified for the amount we want. If so we will be going to look at this place some time mid week.

Property Photo Can you see why Ty would be in love with this place. It needs some cosmetic work but I like it. Any way I think this is post #99 I have a plan for #100 :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

First trimester down...

Already, the baby is 3-4 inches long (measuring a little small at the 10 week ultrasound)

Some random things...

How far along: 14 weeks as of Sunday July 22

Weight gain/loss: plus 2 pounds

Maternity clothes: Not yet, I need to get them out of storage though

Stretch marks: blah  no new ones…

Sleep: I am so tired and sleeping a lot

Best moment this week: hearing the baby's heart beat, and scheduling the anatomy ultrasound for August 20th.

Food Craving: I just love food in general

Gender predictions: We already have a girl so a boy would be nice but we will take whatever we are given.

What I Miss: I am not much of an adventurist but there have been a few little things I have not been able to or had to put off for a while.

How I am feeling: I feel fine, not even really pregnant actually. Not very nauseous or anything, just tired

It is still a little hard to believe that we are actually having another little one. Not that it wasn't planned, it was just a little sooner than expected. 

Here is the picture I shared before. 

This is my 98th blog post :) what should I do for the 100th? I'm looking at a few ideas... stay tuned

Monday, July 23, 2012


On my list of things to do this summer found over here somewhere ---------------->
was go to a Mariners game. My only reason for going was traded to the darn Yankees :(
I heard he asked to be traded. I do think the team was holding him back from his true potential. I have also heard that he is pretty stuck up and full of himself but anyway he was the last good player. I grew up watching some of the Mariner greats in the early 2000's like Edger Martinez, Brett Boone and Dan Wilson. (my favorites) So they have nothing left...
picture from Seattle Mariners Facebook page

My list of things to do this summer has been neglected we haven't made it to Oregon, we missed pie day. The walking/hiking every week isn't happening everyone is either too tired or to busy. There is just over a month left I hope we can find some fun things to do.

And and and and some hit the side of the Changer... why cant people be honest and leave a note or something grrr

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


I have completely coherent thoughts that go through my head about everything. Things I want to share with people. Then I start to write them down and the thoughts get lost in a sea of jumbled words. I see friends blogs where there thoughts and experiences are wrote so perfectly and organized. Then I feel bad for people trying to understand what I am trying to say.

Some thoughts for today...
Back aches
and babies

I don't drive... I drive around the gravel road where my family lives a little. I did have a permit before and did a lot of driving to town and back (like 4 years ago). For some reason I fear it. Having control over such a big powerful machine. The Idea that I could do a lot of damage to something or someone. I feel like I can not concentrate on the road and my surroundings. Knowing if I am between the lines. Ty's road rage doesn't help he gets really upset with "stupid" drivers and I do not want to be a "stupid" driver that makes someone feel that way. I guess I just need to relax and find some time for Ty to take me to get another permit. The time thing is an issue Ty doesn't have time to drive us around all the time so I need to take on the responsibility. 

Back aches
or maybe chronic back pain... I think that when someone complains about their back hurting at least 3 times a day everyday that they need to do something about it. I told him I was going to set up a consultation with a chiropractor in a whinny tired voice he said "I have no time"

I didnt take enough/any pictures on the 4th
 In fact Ty went to sleep at 7 and Allyson at 9. We had a nice bbq with Ty's family and that was about it.

Eating dirt
dirty face   

She fell in the little pool then rolled in a molehill

The sunset on the way home after a long 4th of July weekend

We had spaghetti for dinner and it turned her into the great pumpkin
In her pool on the balcony
I have been dealing with the idea of another baby. With so many friends and acquaintances not being able to get pregnant, having miscarriages, giving birth to stillborn babies, losing babies after a few hours of life and just having terrible pregnancies. It feels almost wrong that I can get pregnant very easily, have easy pregnancies and hopefully more smooth deliveries. (I think that means we should have lots of kids but Ty says 3 we will see :) Im going for 5...). We are expecting #2 in January the babies will be 21 months apart. That was a little shocking to me but I have many friends that have little ones just as close or closer and most of them are doing fine :) Sometimes I feel to young...

Anyway if I hadn't seen this picture I probably wouldn't believe it. I had very little morning sickness with A and none this time just a little nauseous and really tired. I don't feel pregnant. At almost 14 weeks now I can tell that my belly is getting bigger.


So that is my extra long post that probably should have been 3 or 4 separate posts.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A rant

I rant a lot on here because on facebook you get to many options and I dont want to fill up the news feed with my complaints. (Im not a big fan of daycare, its more understanding when there is one parent though) 

Today's rant is about the neighbors across the hall. The dad works nights and the mom works days. They have two girls 2 years old and a 5 years old. So with both parents working the girls must go to daycare. They get home just before 5 every week day. Then Ty started getting home very early in the morning I noticed that the kids leave for day care at 5:30am. 11 hours of daycare... So when they come in the girls especially the youngest are very loud and usually  getting yelled at for this or that or something random thing. I always think really you are with them what? 2 hours a day and you spend that time yelling at them. So today the mom comes in with them, the older girl was scuffing her feet. The mom in a very mean yelling voice says "stop scuffing your feet" which leads to the little one making screaming noises (in my opinion because here mom in yelling) the mom then says "that is not polite" to the little one. Really, it seems to me that a nice please do not scuff your feet or can I help you with your shoes so you are not scuffing your feet would have solved the problem and not cause the loud commotion that happened. I may not have included that they come in very loud everyday.

I guess I am a fan of a gentle voice. Is there really a need to raise your voice? I know some people feel the need to use a stern voice with their problem children but in the end they are still problem children. Maybe that fear they get from a mean voice encourages misbehavior. What about respect? As adults do you like it when someone yells at you? does it make you a little hardhearted towards that person. 

I follow the Duggars (19 Kids and Counting) yes it is a TV show and for show but the children are so good on camera. To get 19 kids a daughter in law 2 grandbabies 2 parents and a grandma under control (and sometimes crazy cousin Amy and when the Bates visit with their 18 kids) they must be doing something right. They believe in using a quiet voice. Michelle Duggar (mom) has said something in the way of the kids know the quieter I talk the madder I am. Also that using a soft voice helps prevent anger that you will regret later.

Yep so that is my little rant about not yelling at kids that started as a rant about my annoying neighbors. I think using a soft voice to correct children is more beneficial.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


THIS amazing song has been stuck in my head my favorite from primary... (bedtime singing)

I am a child of God and He has sent me here
Has given me an earthly home with parents kind and dear.
Lead me, guide me, walk beside me, help me find the way,
Teach me all that I must do to live with Him someday.

I am a child of God and so my needs are great,
Help me to understand His words before it grows to late.
Lead me, guide me, walk beside me, help me find the way,
Teach me all that I must do to live with Him someday.

I am a child of God rich blessings are in store.
If I but learn to do His will I'll live with Him once more.
Lead me, guide me, walk beside me, help me find the way,
Teach me all that I must do to live with Him someday.

I am a child of God His promises are sure.
Celestial glory shall be mine if I can but endure.
Lead me, guide me, walk beside me, help me find the way,
Teach me all that I must do to live with Him someday.

Anyway I finally updated my blog design for summer I meant to do it last week.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Homemade Baby Wipes

She loves daddy's safety glasses

I knew I was running low on wipes so of course Sunday evening comes and I ran out. I was thinking about a "Thrifty Recipe" I had read in The Duggars 20 and Counting for baby wipes. I looked it up in the book here is a summary of the recipe.
1 roll Bounty paper towels cut in half
1-gallon ice cream bucket
2 cups of water
2 tablespoons baby oil
1 tablespoon rubbing alcohol
1 tablespoon baby bubble bath (optional)
mix liquid in large measuring pitcher, put paper towels in bucket, pour liquid over the top. Let set for 30 minutes. Remove cardboard center. Put lid on and cut on X in the lid to pull wipes through.

So I didnt have an ice cream bucket, I didnt want  to use alcohol on miss A sensitive skin, and I wanted to make a smaller batch just to try it out. I took a bunch of towels off the roll ( they were smaller half sheet kind and brawny was the brand I had) I cut them in half then folded them in half and stacked them with a half flap of one going into the mouth of the fold on the next one like this... then they would easily come out of the dispenser

I put them into a 64 wipe dispenser. I made a mixture of 1 cup water 1 teaspoon baby oil and 1 teaspoon head to toe baby bath soap. I poured it over the top let it set for a while and was good to go. I have used them 4 times now and they work great. I do not think I will be going back.
A roll of paper towels is less than $2 right and the mount of oil and soup is so small it hardly counts. So for less than $2 you get 280 wipes! I did a little more math. You can get a 6 roll pack for $11 (1700 wipes) Huggies natural wipes cost $12 for a box of 448 wipes). Guess what that is $0.006 vs $0.02 per wipe.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Diaper Rash

I can not get Allyson's diaper rash/ yeast infection under control. She has had it since April when she started sleeping through the night and not getting a diaper change in the middle of the night. I have tried different diapers and different creams including a prescription. I change her frequently especially when the rash is having a bad day because she cries when she goes (it has to be extremely painful) so I know it is time to change her. Due to the hatred of water that she has always had she does not get many actual baths. She gets a daily sponge bath kind of wash down. Now could it be that because she is not soaking her bum in the bath on a daily basis she is not getting clean enough to get rid of this infection? Is her skin just extra sensitive? Was it the change in diet, it started about the time I stopped nursing? hmm we have seen a walk-in clinic doctor about it and we see her regular doctor in a few weeks and will discuss it more then. Until then lots of diaper changes and creams.

Just reading some old posts and the rash start from diarrhea caused by dairy yogurt... 
part of our fathers day gift yet to be finished

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Things to do this Summer

You will find a list that I will try to update over there --->>>>>>>>>>>>

Right now my list is 
  • Walk/hike every week
    • Langus Riverfront Trail 
    • Federation State park 
  • Mariners game 
  • Go to Oregon 
  • See Tim McGraw
This weekend we are going to walk the Langus Riverfront Trail, next weekend we are going to do some light hiking at Federation State park.

I have never gone to a Mariners game so I need to!

We have not seen Ty's family in Oregon Since Christmas. There is also Pino's Pie Day at  Apifera Farm coming up in a few weeks and it is not to far from the family so we might make a weekend of it.

Last February I bought Tim McGraw Tickets for September at the Fair!!!

Friday, May 11, 2012

hmmm blah

Hello blogger Facebook is not for me today to much... idk Judging others. "Love the sinner Hate the Sin"

one post in particular about a news anchor complaining that the President going to war on tradition marriage even though he has been divorced many times.

Yep judge others because they are judging you that helps your judging problem.

Another quote that is bothering me... "oh you voted for discrimination? how Christ like of you"

number one not just some Christians feel that gay marriage is wrong (not that i feel that it is wrong mostly that these new amendments still need some work)

So you can "discriminate" others for saying you are wrong, but others can not "discriminate" you for saying you are wrong?

and really how about we stop worrying about that for a while and spend our time working on these debt/spending issues.   

Anyway I feel better now

Thursday, May 10, 2012

working out and eating right

Working out and eating right are things I do not do best. Well eating wise... I just love food, I eat fruits, veggies, and healthy food but I really love junk. As for working out.......... I think my record is 3 days then I quit/give up. I feel like I need instant results which of course doesn't happen. When miss A was born I lost 30lbs instantly and in the 13 months since she was born I have not lost anything. We find ourselves cooped up in our apartment because there is nothing to do in the complex and I do not feel comfortable going outside the complex with just miss A, (there really isn't anywhere to go anyway) Like my excuses? So I am going to start a food journal (because I feel like I do not eat very much). As for the working out, as soon as miss A goes down for her nap I am going to do 20 minutes a few times a week for the rest of the month as a short term goal. Sound good? I think I can do it.  (I could handle losing another 30 pounds)

Monday, May 7, 2012

A dairy issue

After 2 weeks of dairy yogurt with bloating and diarrhea (that caused a very bad diaper rash) Allyson has been off dairy yogurt for a week. So today we started Soy yogurt and she likes it. Its a great way to fill the calcium void. Lets hope she continues to like it.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My baby girl is 1

My cutie pie eating her barbie cake :)

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Did I mention that Allyson SLEEPS now. She is getting in about 10 hours straight. I get at least 7 (I wait up for Ty). Ty is disappointed he doesn't get to see her when he gets home from work but they hang out in the morning. The last few days she thinks she only needs 1 nap during the day. I guess it works. It is so nice being able to sleep again.

Happy Easter

Sunday, April 1, 2012

3 years

Yep it has been 3 years since we "ran off "and got married. Last week the 28th was our anniversary and I was going to post then but forgot to.
Seeing many marriages fail I often ponder what makes our relationship work. Something that sticks out is consideration. I feel like I have these profound thoughts in my head that I need to share and then I try to write them out and they do not makes sense. That is why I am not a writer. Anyway, being considerate of each others feelings is really important, my writing skills are not good enough to give you any good concrete details and such. Something else, if you do not want to fight do not pick a fight. So here are some pictures of us in the early years :)

June 2008
June 2008

June 2008
June 2008August 2008

December 2008December 2008March 2009May 2009June 2009
October 2009
December 2009
March 2010

December 2010