Hello blogger Facebook is not for me today to much... idk Judging others. "Love the sinner Hate the Sin"
one post in particular about a news anchor complaining that the President going to war on tradition marriage even though he has been divorced many times.
Yep judge others because they are judging you that helps your judging problem.
Another quote that is bothering me... "oh you voted for discrimination? how Christ like of you"
number one not just some Christians feel that gay marriage is wrong (not that i feel that it is wrong mostly that these new amendments still need some work)
So you can "discriminate" others for saying you are wrong, but others can not "discriminate" you for saying you are wrong?
and really how about we stop worrying about that for a while and spend our time working on these debt/spending issues.
Anyway I feel better now
AMEN... shouldn't we be more focused on the immediate needs of our country (AKA debt/spending/taxes, where that money goes, etc.) rather than something that doesn't need to be addressed right now. I feel like we're overlooking the bigger issues that are plaguing society.