random thoughts, random complaints, random activities.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Weight Dog Car

With both babies I started out over weight. Since Ty and I met 5 years ago I have gained 50lbs (not including pregnancies) I gain around 30lbs during both pregnancies and lost it instantly. With the first I didn't lose anymore after that. Then getting pregnant again a year after she was born didn't help. Brennan is now just over 4 months and I have been thinking about losing weight. I am not looking to be as thin as I was in high school(not that I felt that thin then). I would like to lose 25-30lbs that would get me just below 25 on the body mass index. I think I would feel better in many ways, health wise, image wise, physically, and emotionally.

I have been try to walk 2 miles at least twice a week. I am now in my second week of Jillian Micheal's upside down abs.

In the last 3 weeks I have lost 8lbs!

Brennan is still nursing and that is a little above the recommended weight lose while nursing but I am being healthy. I am making sure I am eating enough for him but not over eating (I tend to binge eat). Eating 6 meals is really helping and that is how Allyson eats anyway so I eat when she does. Lots of water is important while nursing. I haven't been keeping junk snacks around either.

We got a DOG!

This is Mickey the top picture is from the ad I found for him. He is a 10 month old golden retriever mix. Although he has a lot of energy he is very obedient and great with the kids!

My grumpy "how dare you bring home a Dog" Kitty

Ty has been in 2 accidents since we moved :( In March he got caught in a snow storm near the Boeing freeway, spun a few times and went in the ditch luckily didn't hit anyone. A few days ago he hit a kitchen cabinet that was on the freeway :( the car goes into the shop next Tuesday. 

Brennan is 4 months old

she wouldn't hold still
she wouldn't stop laughing

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