random thoughts, random complaints, random activities.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

"Bah! Humbug!"?

"Bah! Humbug!"?

Not me!

 Our home is not feeling very Christmas like. My grandma has admitted that it is because my grandpa is scheduled to have thoracic surgery on December 21 and be in the Hospital for a week. Many family members and friends have died around Christmas including her father and step father and that makes it so much worse for her.

I deal with things with denial. It has always worked great for me. So what I would like to do is get all into Christmas, decorate like crazy and enjoy this wonderful time of year. 

Today I made one of those red and green paper chains and strung it in front of a window. Then later my Grandma made the mistake of telling me all her Christmas decor is in the extra bedroom and not out in the shed like I thought. It took me 3 minutes to find the beautiful Nativity set she has. I quickly put it on top of a book shelf where little hands can not reach. Sadly Joesph had lost his foot and he is in the hospital right now. 

When I was asking where there was glue for Joesph she told me if I am getting stuff out she is throwing it out the door. That is really what she does with stuff. I really do not think she would throw baby Jesus out. She really does love to throw things away. 

All of my Christmas decor is in storage and I am not digging through that to get it out right now. So hopefully we will be able to move before Christmas and I can do my own decorating.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Happy 17th Birthday Kitty

I got this pretty kitty for Christmas 17 years ago. She has used her 9 lives a few times over. I think she is losing/lost her hearing and sight but seams to be doing well for a 17 year old cat. Not sure she will make it through the winter but who knows...

Did you notice I just called her/him kitty?
This cat has had many names... sizzel, kitty, top cat are the ones that come to mind. He/She? no one remembers if she is a boy or girl since she got fixed but I have noticed her spraying like a boy outside. We just refer to her as a she. The last few years she has been known as kitty or top.

Her nine lives... She was ran over by a car and had a cast over her hips for a while. You can still feel a weird spot on the bone. She also had some big apses on her chest that had to be drained and stitched it was gross. She has came in beat up from many fights. Sometimes gone for days and return like nothing had happened especially when my brother was visiting. I am not sure what her problem is with him.

She has always been a loner or just independent. She is a light weight, I am not sure how much she weighs but probably around 5lbs. A few years ago late summer and fall of 2009 she would be gone for a week back for a day or day for 2 for months. One day I saw her in the neighbors yard. They had gone to Europe for a few months and had a young girl house sitting. This cat had taken to her and was staying with her. After the family came back and the girl left the cat came home. I had already replaced her with my pumpkin Buddy though but they get along ok and she stayed with my grand parents when we moved and Buddy came with us. 
All of these pictures are from the lasts 5 years 

(she really likes Ty)

Not happy that I was packing

Is it Winter yet?

Who is ready for winter? :)

My blog is.

I am great about keeping up with the seasons on the design of my blog :)

I am so ready for cold weather and snow! Ok maybe I am really not... my dog is alone outside since her big warm companion had to be put down last spring so I have to figure out what to do with her. (but maybe she got rabies from that opossum she had her mouth running around at midnight then I wont have to worry about her)

Then there is Ty's commute, winter driving to Everett sucks (but there is a big chance he will be cutting his commute in half by getting a transfer to Renton very soon)!!!

And the baby coming anytime in the next 6 weeks maybe later...

Oh but I love snow and cold weather so much :) Ok I am excited for winter and Christmas time!