random thoughts, random complaints, random activities.

Monday, June 28, 2010

I am A Child of God

Some atheist material has been shared with me recently. I finally decided I would follow one of the links and see whats up in the world of atheism. The link took me to 50 simple proofs God is imaginary. Proof #6 "Ponder God’s Plan" popped up first. I skimmed through it with a smile on my face. It starts out Christians traditionally explain tragedies by saying it is God’s plan. They go on the say that God planned when you would be born and when you would die. Thus meaning that God has planned every abortion, the mother and doctor are just puppets fulfilling God’s plan. Now on the Hitler, he was God’s puppet; it was part of God’s plan for Hitler to kill millions of people. So there is no free will, everyone is blameless because it is God’s plan. Well “I AM A DAUGHTER OF ROYAL BIRTH MY FATHER IS KING OF HEAVEN AND EARTH I WAS RAISED IN THE COURTS ON HIGH A DAUGHTER BELOVED PRINCESS AM I." I lived in heaven before I was born to this earth. Heavenly Father presented a plan. Satan said he would come to earth and force everyone to make right chooses and follow the plan and the glory will all be mine. Jesus said I will go to earth and teach the people of your plan and allow them to choose to follow you, I will suffer for their sins so they can live with you again and the Glory shall be yours. Satan became mad and left with many of the people in heaven. They will never get a body, they can never live in the sight of God again. I along with everyone else that has come to this earth chose to stay with heavenly and Christ, to come to this earth and show to my Heavenly Father that I will follow him. We have free agency! We have the right to make our own decisions! We can live our life here on earth the way we want to but The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the restored church the same church that was on the earth when Christ walked the earth, the only true and living church. It teaches how to make the choices Heavenly Father wants us to make. Unfortunately Satan still has some influence on the earth, so sometimes we make bad choices. We can repent because Christ suffered for our sins so we do not have to. Now a little bit on people who do not learn about the church while on the earth, they will have the chance to accept or reject Heavenly Fathers plan after their death in spirit world. Where we all wait for Jesus to come again, so we can all be resurrected as he was. I am very grateful to know that I am a Daughter of God.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Sick and Tired

Of being sick and tired.
Here it is again runny nose, sore, earache, headache, neck ache, stuffy head. I'm going to try to track it better but from what i can tell I am good for 10 days then it hits again I'm sick for 3-4 days then it starts over again and its getting old.
Sometimes its a lot worse than others. Last time i had a fever with it and a few months ago i gave in a bought cough medicine so i could sleep. Is it just allergies is it some weird bug or just a cold.
My doctor always told me to replace pillows every 6 months, well we are on a very limited bought and new pillows are not in it so i have started putting them in the dryer at least once a week hoping that cleans them a little.
If i was allergic to the cat i think it would be more constant and if that is the problem I am going to deal with it i guess.

no matter what I guess I am going to deal with it because there is nothing i can do.
So lets pray that Ty gets this full time job so I can go to a doctor. I really do not think he is going to get it though.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

First 2 years

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Wheelin at Evans Creek

Monday mornin bright and early Ty Racheal and Ricky (Racheal's Favorite brother :) took the Toyota to Evans creek. Ty spent all day Saturday preparing. The morning started out ruff different random things going wrong before we even got on the high way.We got up there right on time first wheeler in the group to get there. All the other wheelers were jeeps.
Before Pictures (Ty's Yota, Grand Cherokee with 29" tires, 2 fancy Wranglers)

29" tires meant not enough ground clearance they got high centered right when they got on the first trail

Snow! though Racheal loves snow its not great when you are wheelin to slippery.

But it was pretty... the dark row above the dot is another tree line

Tommy Creek Mud hole i think thats what it is called
Ty made it through going this way

but couldn't this way

muddy :)


no major damage... just this mirror, a nice dent in a rock slider and 1 off road light broke

No broke axels no drive lines falling off no rolling no tires off the bead or any other problems... well a battery cable did disconnect once and the battery fell once also then it was secured down.
It was a great trip