plus or minus a few depending on when she wants to make her appearance. Yes it is a GIRL. So much to do... I have no idea where to start. We are registered at Target I guess that is a start.
random thoughts, random complaints, random activities.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Not as bad as November but still this year is ending with a lot of trials.
Pre-Thanksgiving SNOW! that never happens here(we got more snow before Thanksgiving this year than last winter combined)It was quit a storm! Most of the time the snow was so thick you could not see the barn.

Ty got in one more day of fishing and caught this meaning looking thing. It tasted really good!
We went to Oregon one weekend to have Christmas with Ty's step dad's family
Hannah is already for her People to People trip to Europe this summer :)
My grandpa got a pacemaker and defibrillator put in him last Thursday. Wednesday Morning my grandma woke up to "bystanders stand clear" or something like that as my grandpa's defibrillator shocked him. He woke up and said "what happened" not knowing he had just gone into cardiac arrest and been shocked back to life. 3:30am I am laying half awake in bed waiting for the alarm to go off to get Ty off to work I remember hearing my grandpa walking around in the living room my grandma knocked on the door and said the ambulance was coming. They took him to Good Samaritan and he was home by 7:00am then his doctor called and said he should not have been released and they are going to admit him to Tacoma General which specializes in cardiac. They put machine in him and sent him home Friday afternoon. He is recovering well.
We got a little live tree this year. It didn't turn out to bad, Isn't it cute!
I love my brother! Ty and I were talking about making a big breakfast Friday morning and it turned out my little brother was able to come over and spend the day with us. So we had biscuits and gravy ( it was really good) then went and spent the afternoon with Ty's Grandparents.
Ty's mom is sick again last winter she ended up getting carbon monoxide poisoning and swine flu at the same time. A few months ago she started having issues with her tonsils (doctors do not like to remove tonsils when you are older than 30 or so). She took some antibiotics and and got over it. Now it is back and worse she was sick all weekend. She loves Christmas we tried to get her to postpone until next weekend so she could enjoy it more but she would have nothing to do with that. So hopefully the antibiotics she is taking now will take care of the problem and she will not need surgery.
Ty's grandparents used a spruce tree for their Christmas Tree, are planning on planting it in their back yard.
So on to a new year...
Actually I will have at least one more post before next year because we are going in tomorrow for an ultrasound to find out if we are having a boy or girl! :)
Pre-Thanksgiving SNOW! that never happens here(we got more snow before Thanksgiving this year than last winter combined)It was quit a storm! Most of the time the snow was so thick you could not see the barn.
Ty got in one more day of fishing and caught this meaning looking thing. It tasted really good!
Look at those teeth
We went to Oregon one weekend to have Christmas with Ty's step dad's family
Hannah is already for her People to People trip to Europe this summer :)
My grandpa got a pacemaker and defibrillator put in him last Thursday. Wednesday Morning my grandma woke up to "bystanders stand clear" or something like that as my grandpa's defibrillator shocked him. He woke up and said "what happened" not knowing he had just gone into cardiac arrest and been shocked back to life. 3:30am I am laying half awake in bed waiting for the alarm to go off to get Ty off to work I remember hearing my grandpa walking around in the living room my grandma knocked on the door and said the ambulance was coming. They took him to Good Samaritan and he was home by 7:00am then his doctor called and said he should not have been released and they are going to admit him to Tacoma General which specializes in cardiac. They put machine in him and sent him home Friday afternoon. He is recovering well.
We got a little live tree this year. It didn't turn out to bad, Isn't it cute!
I love my brother! Ty and I were talking about making a big breakfast Friday morning and it turned out my little brother was able to come over and spend the day with us. So we had biscuits and gravy ( it was really good) then went and spent the afternoon with Ty's Grandparents.
Ty's mom is sick again last winter she ended up getting carbon monoxide poisoning and swine flu at the same time. A few months ago she started having issues with her tonsils (doctors do not like to remove tonsils when you are older than 30 or so). She took some antibiotics and and got over it. Now it is back and worse she was sick all weekend. She loves Christmas we tried to get her to postpone until next weekend so she could enjoy it more but she would have nothing to do with that. So hopefully the antibiotics she is taking now will take care of the problem and she will not need surgery.
Ty's grandparents used a spruce tree for their Christmas Tree, are planning on planting it in their back yard.
So on to a new year...
Actually I will have at least one more post before next year because we are going in tomorrow for an ultrasound to find out if we are having a boy or girl! :)
Saturday, November 20, 2010
What a month
first Ty's ruptured appendix
then sometime last week my aunt fell and broke her ankle in 3 places
then this week my grandpa had his second massive heart attack
how he survived I have no idea
we had been preparing for about 8 years for him to not make it through another one
but somehow he is home after 4 days in the hospital
he does have to wear a defibrillator called a life vest for a few weeks to months
and do a lot of nothing for a while so his heart can gain back some strength
so now there is a week and a half left of the month lets hope it goes better

I have a lot to be thankful for!
first Ty's ruptured appendix
then sometime last week my aunt fell and broke her ankle in 3 places
then this week my grandpa had his second massive heart attack
how he survived I have no idea
we had been preparing for about 8 years for him to not make it through another one
but somehow he is home after 4 days in the hospital
he does have to wear a defibrillator called a life vest for a few weeks to months
and do a lot of nothing for a while so his heart can gain back some strength
so now there is a week and a half left of the month lets hope it goes better
I have a lot to be thankful for!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Finally something interesting
Wednesday night Ty started having crazy lower abdominal pain. He did not sleep much that night. At 4am when he needed to be leaving to go to work he decided he needed to call in sick. Then he started dry heaving because he had not ate in about 18 hours. He tried to sleep for a while around 10 the pain started to get worse and move around. He slept off and on until about 2 when he started talking about going to the hospital. Our insurance for his new work was suppose to start last Monday but we did not have the medical card yet. He talked to his mom (he is a mommas boy) she thought he probably had a hernia and needed to go to the hospital but he was hesitant because the medical card had not come yet so my grandma went to check the mail. While she was gone he decided he needed to go to the hospital no matter what so while I was on the phone telling this to his mom my grandma walked in the the medical card! So we got the the ER at 3:45 they were very concerned it could be something a lot worse than a hernia, so they got him checked in right away (the ER was really busy) by 5:30 he had a blood drawn and a Ct scan which showed that he possibly had a perforated appendix. They got him into surgery by 8:30 he was out at 10 the doctor told us it was perforated, black with gangrene, and it was about 4 inches long when it is suppose to be the size of the tip of your pinky finger. He was settled into his room by 1. Everything went well and he should be able to leave by 2.
It has been nice to have my brother here, although he is not here under good conditions, Our mom's dad ( who I dont know but my brother lived with for a few years ) is not going to make it. But he has been stopping in for visits and that is nice.
I will stop rambling now... no sleep
It has been nice to have my brother here, although he is not here under good conditions, Our mom's dad ( who I dont know but my brother lived with for a few years ) is not going to make it. But he has been stopping in for visits and that is nice.
I will stop rambling now... no sleep
Monday, October 25, 2010
Busy busy busy
October is almost over, WOW where did it go
The rain and wind this weekend is wonderful!
We have been so busy
I have been babysitting my friends 3 boys 2 or 3 times there is only 3 years between the oldest and the youngest so they can be handful, luckily they are pretty good kids but they make me so tired
Ty has picked up yet another vehicle this would be #7 hopefully a few will be leaving in the next week or 2 but I think I have been saying that for months. Its a jeep (89 Cherokee 2 door) which I am not fond of and he wasnt until he got this thing. My brother say he needs kicked in the face for even considering getting it. He claims it will get good gas mileage, do really good in winter weather, allow more people to ride when he wheels it, he can play with it in the duns and I am sure there is more I can not think of right now.
Ty is on his first break at work right now and just told me he got moved to a new department and got a small raise, he is now using a fork lift kind of thing I guess maybe he will like his job a little better now less walking (they told him he walks 10 miles a day). He would really like to get on at Boeing one of his co workers just did so he thinks there is some hope.
Off to start another week, babysitting in a few hours
The rain and wind this weekend is wonderful!
We have been so busy
I have been babysitting my friends 3 boys 2 or 3 times there is only 3 years between the oldest and the youngest so they can be handful, luckily they are pretty good kids but they make me so tired
Ty has picked up yet another vehicle this would be #7 hopefully a few will be leaving in the next week or 2 but I think I have been saying that for months. Its a jeep (89 Cherokee 2 door) which I am not fond of and he wasnt until he got this thing. My brother say he needs kicked in the face for even considering getting it. He claims it will get good gas mileage, do really good in winter weather, allow more people to ride when he wheels it, he can play with it in the duns and I am sure there is more I can not think of right now.
Ty is on his first break at work right now and just told me he got moved to a new department and got a small raise, he is now using a fork lift kind of thing I guess maybe he will like his job a little better now less walking (they told him he walks 10 miles a day). He would really like to get on at Boeing one of his co workers just did so he thinks there is some hope.
Off to start another week, babysitting in a few hours
Friday, October 1, 2010
I am allergic to everything. On Tuesday I broke out in hives all over my face (not my eye lids), neck and hands, that mostly went away that night and the next day it was just my eye lids. I have no idea why. I had had a little too much cheese and ice cream over the weekend. I had Chinese for lunch on Monday, which is something I had ate around the time I had a much more severe case of hives that put me in the hospital when I was 7. (I have had the same Chinese food many times since then). Potatoes... We had fried potatoes with dinner Monday night and I ate some left overs for breakfast Tuesday more a few hours before the hives appeared. Some people claim potatoes do not have allergens. I myself thought it was crazy when I first thought about, but I have found some research saying it is rare but possible to be allergic to potatoes. Antihistamine knocks me out, so I slept for 2 days. It gets better Thursday morning I woke up with a touch of pneumonia from laying down too much. Some sitting in the bathroom with the shower on as hot as it will go seems to have cleared most of that up. So I feel much better today!
My Buddy... My Grandparents ripped up that last of the carpeting in our house that was in their room and replaced it with some nice vinyl planks. Buddy was of course there to help the entire time.
My Buddy... My Grandparents ripped up that last of the carpeting in our house that was in their room and replaced it with some nice vinyl planks. Buddy was of course there to help the entire time.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Campin and Wheelin at Evans Creek
We got a late start Friday night, didn't get to the camp site until 10pm. Some of the other guys left earlier and got a good camping site. I got to see Tacoma at night and during the day from up there is was cool.
And I got hit in the face with mud, Thanks Tyler
Ty and Tyler got in a mud throwing fight, Ty's battery got a little beat up, muddy tires, lets throw lit matches at each other, putting out the fire was smoky, and why does the shot gun have to be behind my seat.
Ty made Trevor's bumper fall off

So... Trevor pulled Ty's front end off

Colin's Bronco

After everyone was done wheelin Ty Trevor and me drove the dodge up to the high point. This is a random rock that looks like its going to fall.

The white spot in the middle between the trees is the Port of Tacoma. This is the highest point.

The other side of the highest point

Behind those clouds is the mountain

Trevor can not keep his shirt on, and he slid down and a rock rolled over him
And I got hit in the face with mud, Thanks Tyler
Ty and Tyler got in a mud throwing fight, Ty's battery got a little beat up, muddy tires, lets throw lit matches at each other, putting out the fire was smoky, and why does the shot gun have to be behind my seat.
Ty made Trevor's bumper fall off
So... Trevor pulled Ty's front end off
Colin's Bronco
After everyone was done wheelin Ty Trevor and me drove the dodge up to the high point. This is a random rock that looks like its going to fall.
The white spot in the middle between the trees is the Port of Tacoma. This is the highest point.
The other side of the highest point
Behind those clouds is the mountain
Trevor can not keep his shirt on, and he slid down and a rock rolled over him
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Happy ending :)
When my brother was over last week he said his puppy who is the momma to my puppy was gone. She has disappeared at his step sisters wedding . She is such a good dog is felt very bad for him, he has already been having a terrible time with so many other things. A few days ago my brother was in Tacoma getting all his running start registration stuff finalized, on his was home he found Cola walking on the freeway! So happy story!
Friday, September 3, 2010
More Info on Bracken and Brambles
Bracken and Brambles Facebook page, (you do not need a Facebook account to look at it) They will be at the Puyallup Fair the 24th- 26th.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
New Truck!
Ty was able to bring the new truck home without finishing the payments!

My brother is over for the weekend before he gets register for running start on Monday! I ♥ him!
He is wearing Ty's aviators so it looks like he is wearing regular glasses, he was blessed with good eyes but bad teeth.
He thinks holding the light makes him "bad a"

This is his "union seat" sitting in the swing doing nothing :)
My brother is over for the weekend before he gets register for running start on Monday! I ♥ him!
He is wearing Ty's aviators so it looks like he is wearing regular glasses, he was blessed with good eyes but bad teeth.
He thinks holding the light makes him "bad a"
This is his "union seat" sitting in the swing doing nothing :)
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Bracken and Brambles
Ty's mom's Farm
Chase the barn cat, Cody Ty's very old cat, colorful eyes, Barn view of the mountain, Big girls, Chicken cop, Chickens, Samson the Rooster we gave her, Ducks ( Cheese and Crackers), Mountain, New chicks, Chase and Lilly, Icicles.

There are 18 goats I think, I do not think I missed any. I hope I got all the names right. Spelling who knows. Some of the labels moved when it saved but from left to right starting on top. Dakota, Rainy, Cherekee Lee(Cherry), Hot Tamale (Tommy), Geronimo, Sahale, Sequoia, Tarragon, Ruby, Jazzelle (Jazzy), Sunshine, Outstanding Copy (copy), Comanche Sal (Manny), Blossom, Dotti, (switched) Danika, Chyanne, Shoshone (they got labeled as Sahale, Sequoia I do not know why)

Dakota a Buck out of Jazz with a twin sister Danika
Rainy the oldest female
Cherry a Buck and Manny a weather out of Sally she died giving birth to them, hence the Sal and Lee at the end of their names.
Tommy is a newer buck
Geronimo is a big boy also out of Jazz that was a terrible delivery
Sahale and Sequoia are out of Sunshine
Tarragon must not like me much because I do not know her much
Ruby is a weather and very tall
Copy is an old Buck they came to live out the rest of his years at the farm
Dotti has Chyanne, Shoshone
Blossom is a good girl
Chase the barn cat, Cody Ty's very old cat, colorful eyes, Barn view of the mountain, Big girls, Chicken cop, Chickens, Samson the Rooster we gave her, Ducks ( Cheese and Crackers), Mountain, New chicks, Chase and Lilly, Icicles.

There are 18 goats I think, I do not think I missed any. I hope I got all the names right. Spelling who knows. Some of the labels moved when it saved but from left to right starting on top. Dakota, Rainy, Cherekee Lee(Cherry), Hot Tamale (Tommy), Geronimo, Sahale, Sequoia, Tarragon, Ruby, Jazzelle (Jazzy), Sunshine, Outstanding Copy (copy), Comanche Sal (Manny), Blossom, Dotti, (switched) Danika, Chyanne, Shoshone (they got labeled as Sahale, Sequoia I do not know why)

Dakota a Buck out of Jazz with a twin sister Danika
Rainy the oldest female
Cherry a Buck and Manny a weather out of Sally she died giving birth to them, hence the Sal and Lee at the end of their names.
Tommy is a newer buck
Geronimo is a big boy also out of Jazz that was a terrible delivery
Sahale and Sequoia are out of Sunshine
Tarragon must not like me much because I do not know her much
Ruby is a weather and very tall
Copy is an old Buck they came to live out the rest of his years at the farm
Dotti has Chyanne, Shoshone
Blossom is a good girl
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Ty's sister are black belts. They have been attending the Bonney Lake College of Martial Arts for a few years. They are on the Demonstration Team and preform at Fort Lewis for the Special Olympics and at Bonney Lake Days every year.
Hannah Leads the Youth Forum. She does a scarf defense routine (she is attacked with a knife), Later on in the show she is the attacker when her partner does his defense routine.

Sofie broke wood this time. She is part of the youth forum. She is also one of the youngest black belts there.

I hope I got all the pictures right its hard to tell who is who when they are moving so fast.
Hannah Leads the Youth Forum. She does a scarf defense routine (she is attacked with a knife), Later on in the show she is the attacker when her partner does his defense routine.

Sofie broke wood this time. She is part of the youth forum. She is also one of the youngest black belts there.

I hope I got all the pictures right its hard to tell who is who when they are moving so fast.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
A while back(I think it was January) Ty found this kitten in his grandparent's carport kinda thing. He was so thin and scared we did not think he would have lasted another day or two out there. So we took him home for a few days, he really attached himself to Ty. We already had a kitten and my grandma was not for having another cat in the house. Ty's mom knew a family that had lost their kitty a few months earlier, they decided to take him, they named him Benson and he is a fat lazy indoor cat now. I wish I had an updated picture of him.
Ty's Grandma has been feeding a bunch of kittens their mom and uncle this summer. They have been living in the carport (Benson is the mom's brother I think). While Ty's Grandparents were in Long Beach Ty and I caught these little guys (on the left a girl originally Mufasa now Cruella and a boy Raven on the Right they are so sweet. They live in Ty's grandma fabric cabinets.

The boy is extremely scared, last night he bite me and hit me had he is strong luckily I was wearing gloves, But the girl (Mis Mittens I call her) is warming up to me. While moving them into another cage this morning the boy escaped, he is hiding under furniture some where. I hope he will come out when he gets hungry. So while he is being a scaredy cat I am cuddling with Mis Mittens!
We can not forget about Buddy, he is being very friendly to the kittens. He does not understand why they are upset, and do not like to be held. I think he feels a little neglected and wants some attention because he crawled inside this empty case of water and rolled around for a while.

Ty's Grandma has been feeding a bunch of kittens their mom and uncle this summer. They have been living in the carport (Benson is the mom's brother I think). While Ty's Grandparents were in Long Beach Ty and I caught these little guys (on the left a girl originally Mufasa now Cruella and a boy Raven on the Right they are so sweet. They live in Ty's grandma fabric cabinets.

Last week they traped the mom uncle and 3 remaining kittens and sent all 7 in to be spayed or neutered. They came back last night, I volunteered to take 2 kittens home to try to tame. So they can go to a good home. ( on the left a boy with a spot in the right side of his nose, on the right a girl with a spot on the left side of her nose.) They are the mirror image of each other.
We can not forget about Buddy, he is being very friendly to the kittens. He does not understand why they are upset, and do not like to be held. I think he feels a little neglected and wants some attention because he crawled inside this empty case of water and rolled around for a while.
Friday, August 13, 2010
My Baby Brother
Is not so much a baby anymore :'(


He is getting to the point where he doesn't need his big sister anymore. He has not stayed the night since Memorial weekend. He got his license a few weeks ago. He will be 17 in 1 month. He is suppose to do running start at Bates this fall for diesol mechanics. He was up at the lake a few weeks ago and stopped by on his way back to Eatonville because his friend's truck was over heating, so maybe he does still need me :) ♥
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Opinions and The Duggar Family
I am extremely content with the idea that people can have different opinions than I do. I am not content with people that think that their opinion is the only way.
I have been keeping up with the articles "People" has been publishing about the Duggar family. Wow is all I can say. Every comment is so negative. Let them believe what they want to believe. Remember we see only see 25-50 minutes of their life a week for a season. It is none of your business what choices they make. They rely on them selves, they are not on welfare wasting your tax money. They are not involved in the public school system. I love the values the children are being taught. Praise your children 10 times more than you correct them! That sounds like a wonderful way to teach your children to make good choices. “Buy used and saved the difference!” I think they have a great family. Should they have anymore children probably not but that is for them to decide no one else.
I have been keeping up with the articles "People" has been publishing about the Duggar family. Wow is all I can say. Every comment is so negative. Let them believe what they want to believe. Remember we see only see 25-50 minutes of their life a week for a season. It is none of your business what choices they make. They rely on them selves, they are not on welfare wasting your tax money. They are not involved in the public school system. I love the values the children are being taught. Praise your children 10 times more than you correct them! That sounds like a wonderful way to teach your children to make good choices. “Buy used and saved the difference!” I think they have a great family. Should they have anymore children probably not but that is for them to decide no one else.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
I ran into this yesterday it is kind of funny
A man was being tailgated by a woman on Foothill Boulevard. Suddenly, the light turned yellow just in front of him. He did the right thing by stopping at the crosswalk, even though he could have beaten the red light by accelerating through ...the intersection. The tailgating woman slammed on the brakes and leaned on the horn. She opened her window, stuck her hand out and made a gesture, all the while screaming in frustration as she'd missed her chance to get through the intersection with him. As she was still in mid-rant, she heard a tap on her window and looked up into the face of a very serious police officer.
The officer ordered her to exit her car with her hands up. He took her to the police station where she was searched, fingerprinted, photographed, and placed in a cell. After a couple of hours, a policeman approached the cell and opened the door. She was escorted back to the booking desk where the arresting officer was waiting with her personal effects. He said, "I'm very sorry for this mistake. You see, I pulled up behind your car while you were blowing your horn, flipping the guy off in front of you, and cussing a blue streak at him. I noticed the 'Choose The Right' license plate holder, the ''Families are Forever' bumper sticker, the 'Follow Me to Sunday School' bumper sticker, and the chrome-plated Angel Moroni emblem on the trunk.
Naturally, I assumed you had stolen the car!!"
The officer ordered her to exit her car with her hands up. He took her to the police station where she was searched, fingerprinted, photographed, and placed in a cell. After a couple of hours, a policeman approached the cell and opened the door. She was escorted back to the booking desk where the arresting officer was waiting with her personal effects. He said, "I'm very sorry for this mistake. You see, I pulled up behind your car while you were blowing your horn, flipping the guy off in front of you, and cussing a blue streak at him. I noticed the 'Choose The Right' license plate holder, the ''Families are Forever' bumper sticker, the 'Follow Me to Sunday School' bumper sticker, and the chrome-plated Angel Moroni emblem on the trunk.
Naturally, I assumed you had stolen the car!!"
Thursday, July 29, 2010
quick vacation to Long Beach
An adventure with Ty's family without him.

Our cottage was so cute

Freddy and Marcus driving Grandpa and Grandma's motor home

Girls and their baby dolls...

Cousin nick, Hannah was not sure about driving

Hannah and Sofie, Sofie looks a little scared

She was going to splash me

Standing in the Hot tub with clothes on, I went and joined them

Sofie was very photogenic, I had a lot of fun adding effects to the pictures ♥

Hannah made a weird face at the whale skeleton

You cannot play in the sand and not make a heart ♥

It was a great trip. We had lots of fun. Wish we could have stayed longer but we made the best of the time we had. I have a few more pictures I might add later, I forgot about them. I would have been even better if Ty could have gone but he had to work we missed him. I love taking pictures!
Our cottage was so cute
Freddy and Marcus driving Grandpa and Grandma's motor home

Girls and their baby dolls...

Cousin nick, Hannah was not sure about driving

Hannah and Sofie, Sofie looks a little scared
She was going to splash me
Standing in the Hot tub with clothes on, I went and joined them

Sofie was very photogenic, I had a lot of fun adding effects to the pictures ♥

Hannah made a weird face at the whale skeleton

You cannot play in the sand and not make a heart ♥
It was a great trip. We had lots of fun. Wish we could have stayed longer but we made the best of the time we had. I have a few more pictures I might add later, I forgot about them. I would have been even better if Ty could have gone but he had to work we missed him. I love taking pictures!
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